Perfect for Two Villas

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A total of 21 villas were found.

Villa Oliva is a two bedroom villa located in the village of  Islamlar, a 15 minute drive ...
Kalkan / İslamlar Village
£ 454-1576 Price range per weekly

Perfect for Two

Perfect for Two

After the big day why not spend your honeymoon in one of our romantic villas.  

Designed for couple who want to get away and spend some romantic time together. There is a range of detinations, from properties in the countryside and getting back to nature, down to properties near to the sea.  We have a range that will suit every need and budget.  

Make your reservation now to relax in your private pool, sunbathe and enjoy the unique coves and Kalkan seas during this magnificent honeymoon holiday.

Although it is primarily intended for honeymoon couples, our villa and apartment options in this category are also suitable for couples that want to get away together or who are  celebrating their wedding anniversary.
