Saklikent Gorge

Saklikent Gorge

The word Saklikent in Turkish means "hidden city", with the rivers bubbling and flowing you can hear the vibrant sounds of a hidden natural city, the bird song echoing around and the wind rustling in the trees.

Saklikent National Park was established in 1996 and is an example of the wild nature of Turkey covering 12,390 hectares and incorporating the Saklikent Gorge. The gorge is the longest and deepest canyon in Turkey and the third largest in Europe. Measuring 18 kilometres in length, with a height of up to 1000 metres it winds its way through the cliff.

The Gorge is striking for its pristine beauty, nestled in a forest of red pine, the flora grows in what looks to be the most inaccessible places and there is a river flowing with incredible speed which runs part of the way through it. Even in the summer, the water is as cold as ice. The high cliffs of Saklikent Canyon shelter the floor of almost all natural sunlight.

There is a wooden path along the beginning of the gorge which leads to a small cafe and past the first waterfall. You can continue the walk up the gorge, first passing in front of the largest of the waterfalls, in the early summer this can be waist-high icy water, but as the summer continues so the height of the water goes down. Along the floor of the gorge, you will climb rocks and see interesting formations. Remember to wear comfortable, waterproof, solid shoes (waterproof shoes can be hired at the entrance).

Outside the gorge are many restaurants on the water, with seating going out and the water flowing underneath you, it is a great place to spend the day.
